
Friday, January 23, 2015

Assalamualaikum and hello....

kalau tak jawab dosa.. kalau jawab.. saaaa yang.. hehe..

its been so long i didn't update my blog... rasa mcm da berhabuk , rasa mcm nk delete pun ada..
so still thinking, pardon me for not updating my blog.. im too busy with my studies.. (krik krik krik.. mcm dye sorang aje kn student) kih3.. okey la kita update sikit la since tengah memanjang holiday kat rumah ini kn~~~

finally, i managed to finish up my exam... so how was it? isit fine? isit bad?
basically, everything was just FINE, not that good and nott that easy... especially for my philosophy subject... dam... it was really difficult.. down to the drain.. bushh.. kah !

so, how i ended up taking philosophy as my major in degree?

i started from my interest, i do what i like (like seriously i don't really bother what people going talk about) because i really want to do something that i really enjoy doing and something that always make me happy. To be honest, everyone in my family member including my lecturer was really shocked when the first time i said that i going to take philosophy as my major . but seriously aku ni pun macam giler..yes i took usuluddin when i was diploma.. in semester 6, we learned about this philosophy things.. but not that deep..

i asked a few of my seniors who took the same course as me just to get an idea. As it turned out , most of them said you going to suffer a lot ! the funniest things are when i entered my first philosophy class.. my lect said it to me ..

lecturer : kenape awak ambil course ni.. awak ni berani sangat..
i was like, berani ?
den she continued and said : BERANI MATI.. ouch.. tak memberi semangat langsung. benci i taw!
despite all the bad reviews that i got from some of my seniors and lect , i STILL took this course anyway..

In philosophy, what is important is not so much answer that are given but how many question that you been asked .. yes its really complex..  the more serabut,some of the question have no asnwer , like seriously.. more like theory and historyla actually (vomit blurgghhh )

In the nut shell, it was the best decision that i have ever made ! yeahhh...

so if you asked me if philosophy is difficult? of course i will answer YES!
so what if difficult?running away or not choosing something because it is difficult and pursuing something because it is easy is not a good decision you have made! do it because you love it.. do it because you have passion on it!

sooo lets begin the suffer!!!! =P

adious... see you in next post!  
ps: ouh i miss my wan. =(


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